Kapitel 6. Nöd-, il- och varningstrafik

22. När nödläget är avhjälp sänder den som lett verksamheten uttrycket Silence Fini.

T ex


All stations  - All stations  - All stations

This is Sweden Rescue - Sweden Rescue - Sweden Rescue

Time 1200UTC LISA - SLIT - MMSI 265010000

The crew is rescued -  but the ship sunk.

Silence Fini.

Utdrag ur Radioreglementet

32.51 § 31 When distress traffic has ceased on frequencies which have been used for distress traffic, the station controlling the search and rescue operation shall initiate a message for transmission on these frequencies indicating that distress traffic has finished. (WRC-07)

32.52 § 32 1) In radiotelephony, the message referred to in No. 32.51 should consist of the following:

– the distress signal “MAYDAY”;

– the words “ALL STATIONS”, spoken three times;

– the words “THIS IS”;

– the name of the station sending that message, spoken three times;

– the call sign or other identification of the station sending the message;

– the time of handing in of the message;

– the MMSI (if the initial alert has been sent by DSC), the name and the

   call sign of the mobile station which was in distress;

– the words “SEELONCE FEENEE” pronounced as the French words

   “silence fini”. (WRC-12)


